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How To Winterize Your Home

How To Winterize Your Home

When the weather gets colder and the ground gets harder, it's time to consider whether you have properly winterized your home or not. It's best to winterize your home before the weather gets colder, so we are going to give you some tips and tricks in order to better your chances of protecting your home from the dangers of winter.

If you are interested in pressure washing services from our business, contact our team today to learn how to schedule. For now, read on to learn how to winterize your home properly.

Check Your Plumbing

The scariest thing for homeowners during the winter season is their plumbing going berserk. Without the proper maintenance and the proper techniques, plumbing can suffer drastically in the winter. The biggest fear is pipes bursting.

So before the freezing comes, be sure to invest in proper plumbing maintenance in order to ensure that your plumbing is up to code and won't be in danger of bursting. This means checking for leaks and loose pipes.

When the winter does come, make sure to shut off the water to the exterior of your home so as to prevent the water from freezing and causing a burst in your basement, garage, or otherwise.

Drafty Air And Sealing Entryways

Another part of winter is experiencing drafty air due to leaks in cracks and seals in the various entryways of your home. Before the winter comes, go around to each of your windows and doorways and check for any visible cracks or faults in the seals.

Some may be more noticeable than others but for the ones that seem invisible, put some soapy water on the seams and see if bubbles form. You may need to replace weatherstripping for your doors or windows if you do notice any cracks and faults.

This will help you maintain the climate within your home and prevent cold air from getting in.

HVAC Maintenance

Another Maintenance tip is to ensure that your HVAC unit is in proper working order. Don't wait until the winter to get your HVAC unit tuned up because that may be too late and you might be waiting weeks on end for proper repairs to be done when you need proper heating now.

So at least a few times a year, make sure that your HVAC unit is up to code and working as it should. Proper heating and cooling during the winter months are essential for general comfort and in more extreme circumstances, survival.

Exterior Cleaning Before Winter Weather Sets In

Contact our team today to learn more about how you can properly winterize your home and invest in quality pressure washing services, such as gutter cleaning and driveway washing, to best maintain and preserve the integrity of your home.


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